Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Home work assignment 5

Home work assignment 5

Q According to Lecture 5 on Buddhism, please describe: a. What is the human’s purpose for Buddhists? 2. Describe what the following terms mean for a Buddhist: 3. How are the Hindu concept of moksha and the Buddhist concept of nirvana different?

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Prayer activates the Frontal Lobe of the brain allowing oneself to become more rational and strong willed. It also activates Anterior Cingulate Cortex that allows a person to feel positive emotions like happiness and compassion more vividly. It deactivates the Parietal Lobe which helps a person to realize his own self. Also prayer deactivates Limbic System which causes negative emotions and this helps a person to feel those negative emotions lesser.